President @ Kawartha ATV Association
Carolyn’s area in the heart of the Kawartha’s has the largest ATV club in Ontario with some 1,500 members.
Carolyn joined Kawartha ATV Association in 2008, served on their Board beginning in 2010, and became President in 2013. Kawartha ATV Association has a trail system that is about 400 miles in length and has a diverse combination of Private, municipally managed, and the federal government managed or “Crown” land. Kawartha ATV also purchased a section of their trail system in 2018, therefore ensuring access to a vital set of trails for all users including members of Kawartha, OFTR, OF4WD and the OFSC.
Carolyn has many years of experience partnering with the local municipalities, private landowners and MNRF to allow trails to be accessible to ATVs, Dirt Bikes & 4×4 trucks.
Carolyn was also the 2nd vice president of the CQC, and the Chair of the International Safety Week Campaign from its inception, and is also a CASI ATV Instructor and a ROHVA Driver Coach.