Hear success stories, learn how to manage and develop your trail, and find out where Ontario Trails is headed.
40 Stavebank Rd, Mississauga, ON L5G 2T8
Trailhead Indigenous, in partnership with Credit Valley Conservation, is a day of celebration and connectivity between nations, and between peoples, the land and the water. A key focus will be the Credit Valley Trail, a project that symbolizes an opportunity that exists in Ontario and beyond to create better communities and trails through Indigenous leadership and partnership.
For the benefit of present and future generations, Credit Valley Conservation, working with municipal, Indigenous and community partners, is creating a 100-kilometre continuous, connected river valley trail from the headwaters in Orangeville through Caledon, Halton Hills, Brampton to the shore of Lake Ontario in Mississauga.
The Credit Valley Trail will have long-lasting impacts for generations to come, providing an opportunity for people to see and experience the Credit River from vantage points previously reserved for those who dared to venture into the wilds of the valley. Immersed in this new experience, people will be inspired by natural wonders, feel connected to our shared history and will grow more aware of the life sustaining Credit River Watershed
The Credit Valley Trail Indigenous Roundtable (CVTIRT) formed in the early phases of the project, rightfully involving Indigenous communities (Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, the Six Nations of the Grand River, the Huron-Wendat First Nation, the Credit River Métis Council and the Sacred Water Circle in Peterborough) with work connected to their ancesteral past. The CVTIRT has developed an Indigenous Experience Plan (IEP) to help guide the Indigenous elements of the trail, ensuring that all planning is done in a way that values and honors the sacred, sustaining waters of the Credit River. Some of the key activities that have emerged from the IEP create a path towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities.
For those kind enough and able to attend we thank you. Thanks for the sharing and your involvement in the day. We are looking forward to planning a second gathering in the future. In order to do this we are seeking your feedback on our first event. We welcome your comments and suggestions. On behalf of Ontario Trails, our sincere gratitude.
Discover best practices, innovations and ideas from across the country.
Gain insights from a range of influential leaders and experts.
Exchange ideas with fellow attendees and those shaping the future of trails in Ontario.
A glimpse of what’s in store for the Trailhead Indigenous Event.
8:30 am: Registration; Ontario Trails Council
9:00 am: Land Acknowledgement and Opening Remarks from Hosts & Partners.
With Carolyn King, Former Chief, Mississauga of the Credit First Nation; Patrick Connor, CEO, Ontario Trails & President, Canadian Trails Federation; and Terri LeRoux, Executive Director, Credit Valley Conservation Foundation, President, Hike Ontario & Vice President, Ontario Trails Council
9:15 am: Keynote; Kim Wheatley, Anishinaabe Cultural Consultant: Great Lakes Water Walk
9:45 am: The Credit Valley Trail Story; Carolyn King, Former Chief, Mississauga of the Credit First Nation and Terri LeRoux, Executive Director, Credit Valley Conservation Foundation, President, Hike Ontario & Vice President, Ontario Trails Council
10:30 am: Break and Refreshments
10:45 am: Opening Panel: Indigenous Trail Projects: Moderator: Brad Fauteux, Consultant, Director, Ontario Trails & Former Director, Ontario Parks
Leading Questions: What role can/do interpretive trail projects play in advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples?
What have we learned so far about collaboration, community engagement and Indigenous leadership in trail projects?
12:00 pm: Group Discussion: Questions, comments and key insights on Opening Panel; Moderator: Andrew Kett, Credit Valley Conservation & Chair, Sustainability Network
12:30 pm: Lunch – A Taste of First Nations Cuisine
1:30 pm: Second Panel: Indigenous Trail Programs and Experiences. Moderator: Andrew Kett, Credit Valley Conservation & Chair, Sustainability Network.
Leading Questions: What impact do/can Indigenous trail programs have on advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples?
What have we learned so far about collaboration, community engagement and Indigenous leadership in trail projects?
2:45 pm: Break and Refreshments
3:00 pm: Small Working Groups: Where do we go from here?
An opportunity for reflection and to provide guidance on ho the Ontario Trails Council can best support and promote Indigenous-led trail projects across the province.
All Participants
Small Groups Scribes:
4:00 pm: Small Group Report Back
4:25 pm: Closing Remarks – Hosts and Partners
4:30 pm: Safe Journey Home
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A big thank you to our 2018 sponsors!
Trailhead Ontario has great sponsorship opportunities available for companies looking to extend their brand within and beyond the trails community.
Your tax-deductible conference sponsorship is a great way to reach trail directors and decision-makers, showcase your organization, and support healthy communities.
Pay by cheque to Ontario Trails Council – contact trailhead@ontariotrails.ca
“Awesome speakers, great networking and a wonderful atmosphere. Highly recommend. I’ll be back next year!”
“Excellent presentations and good debates around practices that are changing how trails are used in Ontario.”