Trails for a Healthy
Community and Healthy EconomyNovember 5, 2018Trailhead Grand Watershed
Hear success stories, learn how to manage and develop your trail, and find out where Ontario Trails is headed.
For those able to attend we thank you. We appreciate you and our presenters for generously taking the time to share their knowledge and expertise. Ontario Trails, and great partners, like the Grand Watershed Trails Network, are looking to planning similar sessions in the future.
Your input will make events like these happen, and improve! We welcome your comments and suggestions. FEEDBACK SURVEY
National trails tourism developers bring their expertise to Brantford, sharing best practices and success stories to help you maximize your return on trail tourism products and services.
This includes a thorough review of asset integration, trail inventory, trail providers, resort products, Signature Trail Product Reviews and provincial or national branding to certify your trail product and services as “Certifiably Canadian Trails.”
All these product and services recognitions drive customers and consumers to your natural assets, improving community visibility, supporting local business, promoting entrepreneurship and maintaining your trails as long-term business providers to your community.
Discover best practices, innovations and ideas from across the country.
Gain insights from a range of influential leaders and experts.
Exchange ideas with fellow attendees and those shaping the future of trails in Ontario.
A glimpse of what’s in store for the Trailhead Grand Watershed event.
8:00-8:45am – Registration and refreshments
8:45-8:50am – Welcoming remarks –MPP for Brantford Brant
8:50-9:10am- Updates from Brant Waterways
9:10-9:30am – The Grand Watershed Trails Network and Trails in the Watershed
9:30-10:00am – Patrick Connor, CTF President :Trails Tourism and Economic Development
10:00-10:30am – Bob Ramsay, Chair of the National Trail Coalition: Understanding the Trails Industry in Canada
10:30-10:45am – Networking break
10:45-11:15am – Trans Canada Trail Ontario
11:15-11:45am- Michael McCreesh , Ontario by Bike
11:45-12:15 – Dr. Margaret Denton, McMaster University Professor of Health, Aging, and Society, and Sociology and former Director of the McMaster Centre for Gerontological Studies.
12:15 – 1:00pm – Lunch and Book Talk: Loops and Lattes
1:00 – 2:00pm – Panel Discussion: Trails and Cultural Heritage
2:00 – 3:00pm – Panel Discussion: Trails and Health
3:00 – 3:15pm – Networking Break
3:15-4:00pm –Elizabeth Riggs: Developing Water trail Networks – Huron River Water Trail, Michigan
4:00- 4:20pm- Regional Tourism Organization support for the Grand Watershed Trails Network
4:20–4:30pm- Closing remarks
Our handpicked speakers will share important insights, success stories and actionable advice.
Trailhead Grand Watershed will be held at the TB Costain Centre, located in the heart of Brantford, steps from the beautiful Grand River.
6 Morrell St.
Brantford, ON
N3T 4J2
See current availability and make your reservation today – before rooms fill up!
Trailhead Ontario has great sponsorship opportunities available for companies looking to extend their brand within and beyond the trails community.
Your tax-deductible conference sponsorship is a great way to reach trail directors and decision-makers, showcase your organization, and support healthy communities.
Or, pay by cheque to Ontario Trails Council – contact trailhead@ontariotrails.ca
Get email updates about the agenda, speakers, and when tickets are available for purchase.
“Awesome speakers, great networking and a wonderful atmosphere. Highly recommend. I’ll be back next year!”
“Excellent presentations and good debates around practices that are changing how trails are used in Ontario.”