Join the Conference

Hear success stories, learn how to manage and develop your trail, and find out where Ontario Trails is headed.

Trails that Amaze

Presented by The KW Region, SW Regional Trails Partners and The University of Waterloo

A variety of trail developers bring their expertise to the University of Waterloo, sharing best practices and success stories to help you maximize your return on trail products and services.

This includes a thorough review of asset integration, trail inventory, trail providers, resort products, Signature Trail Product Reviews and provincial or national branding to certify your trail product and services as “Certifiably Canadian Trails.”

All these product and services recognitions drive customers and consumers to your natural assets, improving community visibility, supporting local business, promoting entrepreneurship and maintaining your trails as long-term business providers to your community.

Important Topics

Discover best practices, innovations and ideas from across the country.

Inspiring Speakers

Gain insights from a range of influential leaders and experts.

Networking & More

Exchange ideas with fellow attendees and those shaping the future of trails in Ontario.

Conference agenda

A glimpse of what’s in store for Trailhead KW to Huron.

Registration Desk - for confirmations, additions and completion for guests.



Coffee Served



A Kaleidoscope of Impacts: Economic Development, Greenway Improvements, Public Access, and More through recreational trails. This session will immerse you in all the applicabilities of the applied science of trails. Health, infrastructure, the environment and public benefits of recreational trails are explored through the experience local municipal and park trails.



Coffee served



An Economic Development Pathway for Trails – Building from the National Experience Destination Trails – A study of trails best practices in trails and community development, with the significant input of social enterprise practices, sustainable community development and an understanding of the principles and practices the University of Waterloo recommends as part of its educational practice.



The Trail Development Experience Lessons Learned



 Providing Regionally Based Trails and Trails Tourism Products and Services (2010-2020)

  • Profile Trail Destinations and Experiences – 30 min
  • RTO 4 Tools and Tips for Industry Development – 30 min



Trails and Trail Activity - Local Products of National Importance

  • TCT Trail Completion,  – 15 min
  • Guelph Trails – 15 min
  • Waterloo and Kitchener Trails, The Iron Horse, The Hydrocut and new Waterloo initiatives - 30 min



Coffee Served



Trail Branding and Marketing

  • Representatives from Waterloo, RTO4, Guelph, Kitchener, and Huron talk to their local and regional inputs to trail branding and market strategies. Providing local uniqueness with 'KW to Huron' impacts. - 10 minutes
  • The Signature and Trillium Recreational Trail Designations – 20 min



Next Steps - Actioning Items Discussed Today.



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Trailhead KW to Huron will be held at the University of Waterloo, Columbia Room A/B, located in the heart of Waterloo Kitchener Region, and we thank them for the use if this dynamic space.

University of Waterloo

200 University Ave W,
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G1



See current availability and make your reservation today – before rooms fill up!

Sponsors & Partners

Sponsorship Opportunities

Trailhead Ontario has great sponsorship opportunities available for companies looking to extend their brand within and beyond the trails community.

Your tax-deductible conference sponsorship is a great way to reach trail directors and decision-makers, showcase your organization, and support healthy communities.

Opportunities for sponsors include:

Conference program/ speakers


Welcome bag

Contact us for more!

Pay by cheque to Ontario Trails Council – contact

See what past attendees have to say

Copyright © 2018, Ontario Trails Council. All rights reserved.